Our Estate Planning Attorneys will help you with the Estate Planning process, the process of developing a plan that ensures the assets you have accumulated during your lifetime are protected at your death and are distributed as you choose.
Gold Law offers you complete and tailored estate planning services to meet your specific estate needs. If you are interested in scheduling a free consultation, please call our office or email us at mg@goldlawcorp.com.
Our Tailored Estate Planning Services Include:
- Trusts: Living trusts, testamentary trusts, revocable and irrevocable trusts, life insurance, and insurance planning trusts.
- Wills: We provide the legal aid to draft your will whether it is simple or complex.
- Estate Plan Checkup: We offer a complimentary checkup of your estate plan.
- Wealth Preservation and Asset Protection Counseling: We help protect your assets from potential litigants or creditors.
- Conservatorships and Guardianships: We provide legal guidance to preserve your loved one’s rights.
- Business Succession Planning: Our attorneys help you craft a comprehensive plan for your business at your retirement or death.
- Powers of Attorney: We simplify the process of creating your durable and financial power of attorney.
- Durable Medical Powers of Attorney: With our assistance, you create a sound medical power of attorney (living wills) to help execute your wishes if you become unable to represent yourself.
- Health Care Directives and Proxies: Legal guidance for choosing a medical decision maker and your own health care choices.
Estate Planning Attorney • Trust Attorney • Probate Law Attorney • Wills Attorney
The Estate Planning Attorneys at Gold Law provide you with highly skilled and experienced legal guidance no matter which estate planning needs you may have.
We get to know you personally and work to fully understand your financial situation and help provide you with the best outcomes.
You likely need an estate plan if:
- You don’t have one yet. The state of California has a default will and trust ready for you. Will that one-size-fits-all plan work for you and your family, or will it be subject to hostile litigation after your passing?
- You only have a simple will now. Simple wills can lead to great problems because they are not for everyone. Simple wills can subject the receiver of your inheritance to unnecessary costs.
- You are self employed or own rental property. There is usually a long period of time before someone is appointed to administer your estate after your death. This means your business and/or rental property is not being cared for to your wishes in your absence.
- You have minor children. Probate in California can eat up a lot of your estate’s money while appointing a guardian of your children’s inheritance. Additionally, without a proper plan, your children will inherit a large sum of money at age 18, which is likely not the best age in life to inherit large sums of cash and/or real property.
- You have a taxable estate. The exemption amount for federal estate taxes is $12.92 million for individuals passing in 2023. If your estate is above this amount, it is subject to federal estate taxes without an estate plan. The current federal estate tax rate is 40% over the exemption sum.
- Either you or your spouse has children from a previous marriage. Conflicts arise after your death when children from previous marriage(s) or one spouse’s children are left out.
- Your child or their spouse may not be responsible. If your child or their spouse has a problem with spending, divorce, lawsuits, creditors, or bankruptcy, you would want to implement methods to minimize the risk with proper planning.
- You have an IRA or a 401(k) account. It’s common to have tax problems from retirement accounts because they are rarely coordinated with your estate plan.
- You own joint tenancy property. Your property may become frozen if one joint owner becomes mentally disabled – and your property may be passed to someone unintended at death.
- Your estate plan is out of date or from another state. Estate plans often remain untouched for decades. The changes in that period can create many harmful unintended consequences at your death.